Wednesday, March 8, 2017


I am currently brainstorming the layout and content of my website. I already know which reform I am going to focus on: the TCU Film-TV-Digital Media department. As you can assume, I am a film student and this department is where I see the most room for improvement. I'm thinking of creating a "State of the Department" page, which essentially describes the current makeup and status of the film department. Though of course, I don't want to simply harp on the various problems and not provide solutions. Therefore, I'm thinking about making two separate pages with what I view as two major improvements: an overhaul of the curriculum and additional funding for the department. This balance is important because both aspects are interrelated, and any deficiency in one area can have an adverse impact on a student's education. I will perhaps go further into detail on my view of the department and suggested improvements in a subsequent post. Though for now, I wanted to express my thoughts on the three main pages of content. In a sense, I want the layout to follow the simple structure we learned in speech class of "problem-solution." This will contain a mixture of written and visual elements to make an effective argument.

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