Friday, March 24, 2017


I've recently run into a problem with my web hosting. This has largely prevented me from working on the design and structure of my site. I'm not exactly sure why I get an error when copying and pasting my account information into Dreamweaver. Nonetheless, I will attempt to figure it out so I can preview my files on the host server. Other than that, I have more information on the specifics of my reform. As mentioned in my previous post, my area of focus is the TCU film department. I have developed a four-step approach as my solution for improving the department. These steps include: 1) overhauling the curriculum 2) hiring/evaluating professors 3) establishing/expanding programs 4) increasing allocated funds. Within these four areas, I have more specific ideas for the administration to consider and build upon. The next step in building this website is determining which/how many pages to construct and which tier to classify them as. In that sense, I have a good idea of the content of the site, but need to work more on the structure.

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