Thursday, March 2, 2017


Up until last class, I was intimidated to learn Dreamweaver. I was very comfortable using Photoshop and doing certain elements of graphic design. However, web design is a different animal that requires a different set of skills. For one, I consider myself more creative than technical, so I had no problem with the first unit project. I felt going into the second unit that I would struggle in learning essentially everything from scratch. HTML and CSS? I had heard the terms before, but it was all too confusing to distinguish, let alone apply to my own webpage. Nonetheless, I think I've gradually become more comfortable with web design/development in the span of a few days.
Last class, I opened Dreamweaver for the first time. I created the root folder, linked the hosting service, and designed a rudimentary HTML page, as shown above. Perhaps the biggest relief was when I recognized that I can work from the canvas and create designs. Originally, I thought I would have to write code––which I consider a foreign language. Foreign as in, if aliens could write, I'm pretty sure "<button type="button" onclick="myFunction()">Try it</button>" is what it would look like.

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