My website URL:
I finally finished my website. I'm actually surprised at how simple and smooth the process went after I got going. The biggest obstacle for me was initially connecting my website to the server using Dreamweaver. It took several days to figure out the problem, which evidently was a wrong password. On the other hand, the design process was much easier, in large part due to the bootstrap template. I spent the majority of the time repurposing the template to form the index page. For instance, I deleted unnecessary sections, filled in basic information about the reform, decided on three primary colors, and created the navigation/menu. This provided a solid foundation from which to create the other pages, allowing for a consistency across the site. I also added various images to enhance the aesthetic of the website. I found that PNG images integrate very well with the pages since the background of the image is transparent. Other cool things I added are: a video reel of my film work, which I embedded from Vimeo, along with a downloadable letter for students to fill out. In fact, I was a little surprised at how easy it is to add media, which simply involves linking the source file.
Luckily, I didn't run into any major problems, save for an error here and there. I am also fortunate that I didn't have to learn much code at all, enough to recognize but not necessarily write myself. Early on, I was a bit intimidated about using Dreamweaver and learning code. To be clear, I still don't know much about code and prefer to avoid it at all costs. Though in doing this project I can't help but marvel at how easy it is to build a basic, functioning website.
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